Ghost Chase Maze Go Home
Ghost Chase Maze : Go Home Edition Basic Game Move Player with Arrow Keys If you get the Cheesy Puffs, get 1 point. If you hit a wall, lose 1 point and Go Home! If you hit the ghost, game over! Extra/Advanced Challenge Adds sounds. When player gets point, loses point, hits wall, game over, etc. Make Cheesy Puffs teleport every 5 seconds to a random position. Make player and ghost talk. Add graphic effects. Add new levels. Code your own ideas!!!
Move Spheres
Move Spheres Challenge Basic Challenge Extra/Advanced Challenge
Dino Dash
Dino Dash Demo Basic Challenge Up Arrow: Dino Jump Down Arrow: Dino Duck until Down Arrow NOT pressed. Obstacles Extra/Advanced Challenge Add Flying objects the dino must duck. Make objects go faster each time. Add High Score. Add Levels, Music, Sound effects. Add Dino hearts/lives. Add Power Ups, for example, give the Dino a shield for 3 seconds. Code your own ideas!!!
Animate Name
Animate Name Challenge Basic Challenge Green Flag or “R” key, move to Random Position. When Space Key pressed, glide letters to home. When Gliding, Spin letters. When Gliding, Change colors. When Gliding, Make first letter bigger. Extra/Advanced Challenge Glide to first letter, (When “1” Key Pressed)a) First letter glide to random positionb) Send message to other letters to go to it. Secret Code! (When “2” Key Pressed). Use the “Pixelate” effect to make a secret message! Clear graphic effects. (When “3” key pressed) When “4” key pressed, Set Letter size to “Mouse Distance” (hint, forever) Get creative and add your own ideas!
Magic Portals
Magic Portal Challenge Basic Challenge Code Giga to move with arrow keys. Penguin Portal. If Giga touches portal, go to Artic. Create Heart Portal Door. Create Rainbow Portal Door. Advanced Challenge Create Magic Portal that switches every 2 seconds. Extra Challenges Add a variable to count how many times Giga does in each portal (penguin_count, heart_count, etc.) Add treasure Giga needs to find in each magic land. Add a creature that chases Giga. Hide portals on their own magic land. Code your own ideas!
Scratch Challenge #02
Challenge #02 Challenges list below video. Code it! (try as many challenges as you can, but you don’t have to do them all) Share your finished project Add your project to this studio! Student Showcase Challenge List (do as many as you can) Points Add an Earth in the center of the screen and make it small. 5 Add the space ship and point towards the Earth. 5 Move the space ship towards the earth and stop when it hits it. 5 Make the Earth bigger and bigger until the space ship hits it. 5 Make the Spaceship smaller and smaller. 5 When the ship hits the Earth say, […]
Scratch Challenge #01
Challenge #01 Challenges list below video. Code it! (try as many challenges as you can, but you don’t have to do them all) Share your finished project Add your project to this studio! Student Showcase Challenge List (do as many as you can) Points Make the balloon fill up with air 5 Make the balloon and ballerina both float up 5 Have ballerina say “Whee” when floating up 5 Change ballerina’s costume 5 Make the bird fly across the screen 5 Make the bird sing 5 Flap the bird’s wings 5 If the bird touches the balloon, pop it 5 If the bird touches the balloon, have ballerina float […]
Scratch Jr Challenge #01
Challenge #01 Watch the challenge video with your child Read Challenges below Try to code it! Have fun! Send Scratch Jr. project to Don’t forgot to include your child’s name in the email. Challenge Points Add your favorite sprite (character) 5 Make the sprite hide 5 Make the sprite show 5 Make the sprite say “Boo” after it shows 5 Make the sprite hide and show 5 times 5 At the end, make the sprite say “Yeah!” 5 Change the background 5 Get Creative! Code your own ideas! 1-25 Coding Lab Challenges