
Move Spheres

Move Spheres Challenge Basic Challenge   Extra/Advanced Challenge   

Dino Dash

Dino Dash Demo Basic Challenge Up Arrow: Dino Jump   Down Arrow: Dino Duck until Down Arrow NOT pressed. Obstacles   Extra/Advanced Challenge   Add Flying objects the dino must duck. Make objects go faster each time.  Add High Score. Add Levels, Music, Sound effects. Add Dino hearts/lives. Add Power Ups, for example, give the Dino a shield for 3 seconds.  Code your own ideas!!!

Animate Name

Animate Name Challenge Basic Challenge Green Flag or “R” key, move to Random Position.   When Space Key pressed, glide letters to home.  When Gliding, Spin letters.   When Gliding, Change colors. When Gliding, Make first letter bigger.    Extra/Advanced Challenge    Glide to first letter, (When “1” Key Pressed)a) First letter glide to random positionb) Send message to other letters to go to it. Secret Code! (When “2” Key Pressed). Use the “Pixelate” effect to make a secret message! Clear graphic effects.  (When “3” key pressed) When “4” key pressed, Set Letter size to “Mouse Distance” (hint, forever) Get creative and add your own ideas!

Magic Portals

Magic Portal Challenge Basic Challenge  Code Giga to move with arrow keys.  Penguin Portal.  If Giga touches portal, go to Artic.  Create Heart Portal Door.   Create Rainbow Portal Door.   Advanced Challenge   Create Magic Portal that switches every 2 seconds. Extra Challenges Add a variable to count how many times Giga does in each portal (penguin_count, heart_count, etc.) Add treasure Giga needs to find in each magic land. Add a creature that chases Giga. Hide portals on their own magic land. Code your own ideas!

Fruit Tree Clones

Fruit Tree Clones Basic Challenge Click a fruit and a copy of that fruit falls to the ground. Click the tree and 4 copies of each fruit falls. Background button changes the background. Change Color Button: change color of all the fruit.  Extra ChallengeIf you get the basic game working, try adding these extras.  Add come clouds that move across the sky.  Add a score.  Apples 1 point. Watermelon 5 points Tacos 10 points Add a character that moves on the ground.  Use the Arrow keys. Have Character try to catch fruit.  Add enemies, like spiders that fall from the tree.     Code your own ideas!!!

Little Capy’s Apple Chase

Little Capy’s Apple Chase Basic Rules Little Capy must collect apples, the Capybara’s favorite food. Little Capy must bring the apples back to Mama Capy, but Mama Capy needs at least 10 apples.   If little Capy does not have at least 10 apples, Mama Capy asks to get more.    Basic Game Play the game.  Try to figure out how it works.  What all the controls are. How many sprites? How do you control the player?  How does the apple move?  How does the player get points? How does the game end?  What does the Heart do?  Try to code some if it by yourself! Check the handout if you […]

Heart Catcher

Heart Catcher Game Challenge Basic GamePlay the game.  Try to figure out: What all the controls are. How many sprites? How do you control the player?  How does the bug move?  Where is it moving towards?  How does the player get points? How does the game end?  What does the Heart do?  Try to code some if it by yourself! Check the handout if you need help.   Extras ChallengesTry to code some of these extras on your own.  Create power ups for the player to pick up.   Give the player 3 lives.  Add levels and change the backdrop each level. Add negative power ups (bug moves faster, hearts are smller, […]

Hungry Orbs

Hungry Orbs Game Basic GamePlay the game.  Try to figure out: What all the controls are. How many sprites? How do you many copies of the orbs? What happens when the player hits the different orbs?  How does the player get points?   Try to code some if it by yourself! Check the handout if you need help.   Extras ChallengesTry to code some of these extras on your own.  Create power ups for the player to pick up.   Create an orb that chases the player. Add levels and change the backdrop each level. Add negative power ups (Red Blobs move, etc) Add background music. Add more sound effects. Code your […]

Sqaure Stars

Square Star Challenge Basic ChallengesPlay the challenge.  Then try to code it yourself. Note: you don’t need to make the buttons (Slow, Normal).   Hidden Challenges   Extras Challenges