Schedule (Age 10-12)

PrerequisiteJun 17 - 21 Jun 24 - 28Jul 1 - 5Jul 8 - 12Jul 15 - 19Jul 22 - 26Jul 29 - Aug 3Aug 5 - 9Aug 12 - 16Aug 19 - 23Aug 26 - 30
Python Junior 1 None10:00 - 12:0010:00 - 12:0010:00 - 12:0010:00 - 12:0010:00 - 12:0010:00 - 12:0010:00 - 12:0010:00 - 12:00
Python Junior 2Python Junior 110:00 - 12:0010:00 - 12:0010:00 - 12:00
App Inventor 1None12:15 - 14:1512:15 - 14:1512:15 - 14:15
Python Perfect (12:15 – 14:15) 5-Day Holiday CampPython Junior 112:15 - 14:1512:15 - 14:1512:15 - 14:1512:15 - 14:1512:15 - 14:1512:15 - 14:1512:15 - 14:1512:15 - 14:1512:15 - 14:1512:15 - 14:1512:15 - 14:15
ACS: Game DesignPython Junior 112:15 - 14:1512:15 - 14:1512:15 - 14:15
ACS: Mobile Apps & GamesApp Inventor 112:15 - 14:1512:15 - 14:1512:15 - 14:15
ACS: Coding Handheld Game Devices
Python Junior 112:15 - 14:1512:15 - 14:1512:15 - 14:15
ACS: AI/Chat GPT & Game DevPython Junior 112:15 - 14:1512:15 - 14:15
Minecraft CodingPython Junior 114:30 - 16:3014:30 - 16:3014:30 - 16:3014:30 - 16:3014:30 - 16:3014:30 - 16:3014:30 - 16:3014:30 - 16:30
Roblox & Lua CodingPython Junior 114:30 - 16:3014:30 - 16:3014:30 - 16:30

Scroll sideways to see the rest of the schedule>>

Summer Coding Classes

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