P205 - Python Junior 1
When Python Meets Mathematics, the learning is doubled. Using primary school mathematics which students are already familiar with as a context to teach Python, students learn faster and at the same time develop a new level of understanding and appreciation in Mathematics.

Start your journey with Python
Python is a versatile and practical text-based programming language that is suitable for students with zero knowledge in coding.
Master Python Through Mathematics
Designed to strengthen logical thinking and problem-solving skills, this program uses mathematics as a foundation for learning Python programming in an engaging way.
Develop Your Own Baymax
Develop your personalised healthcare companion which provides personalised health advice
When Python Meets Mathematics, The Learning Is Doubled

Our rigorous programme ensures that our students always place ahead of the curve. Many has won national and international awards and competitions. Numerous have also utilised our programme to help them gain entry into their desired secondary school.
In this program specifically designed based on the PSLE Mathematics curriculum, Mathematics will be used as the context through which students pick up Python programming skills. For example, students learn to write a Python program to solve a “Guess and Check” problem sum.
Consistently ranked #1 as the “Most Popular Coding Language“, learning Python will enable your child to build programs that are used widely today in many domains; Eg. Web Development, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence.
Increasingly, students are exposed to basic programming at school. Whether they’ve done 6 months of basic Scratch, Sphero or Robotics, our rigorous programme goes significantly beyond, focusing on the cognitive development of our students in the area of computational thinking, regardless of platform.
Using CT is similar to how we utilize Mathematics and language skills to solve problems daily, make decisions and communicate with others. Just like how you do not have to be a mathematician to apply mathematics, you do not have to be a professional computer programmer to apply and appreciate Computational Thinking.
We have designed a curriculum that introduces computational thinking at an age-appropriate level.
While the learning is serious, our curriculum is designed to let students learn using fun, meaningful and relatable context. Students will learn how to apply Mathematical Operators to calculate the area of a square or even develop a BMI Calculator (Who knew that +, -, x, ÷ could be so fun!).
They will also make use of conditionals to create a Movie-Age checker. And what about ending off with developing their own personalised “Baymax”, complete with a health tracker and personalised health tips? The sky is the limit as Kids get their hands on these exercises, and much more in our Python Meets Math classes!
Students write code in Python to solve actual PSLE questions
Students write code in Python to solve actual PSLE questions