Setup Information for Classes

How to Join Online Classes

We use Zoom ( to conduct our online classes.  

All students who are taking our online class for the first time, please join the online class 5-10 min before the class starts. We will quickly teach you how to use the online class features.

*Students aged 9 and below require parent/guardian(s) accompaniment at beginning of the first class.

Zoom System Requirement

Recommendation Device
Computer (Windows, Mac, Linux).

Additional Supported Devices

If using a iPad, we recommend having two devices.  iPad with Keyboard  to code on + second device (iPad or phone) to watch the video/audio. 

Optional Setup (2 Devices Connected to Zoom)

Connecting two devices to the Zoom meeting can be very convenient.  Especially for younger students, since they can share and see shareed screens at the same time, without having to switch back and forth between windows.  

  • One computer can be used to code on.  And the student can share the screen the whole class so the teacher can easily see their work and give them feedback. 
  • The second device (computer, tablet, even phone) can be used to watch the class video, see the teacher’s shared screen, and listen to audio.


NOTEMake sure to remove the audio from Zoom on one of the devices, otherwise there will be audio feedback and screeching.  

Check your System:


Tip: If you have two computers or 1 computer with a tablet/smartphone, use a tablet/smartphone/computer to see the teacher’s content and share your computer desktop. Please join the audio and video from only one. If you are using two devices, please let us now.

Requirements for Specific Classes

Scratch Classes
Scratch classes do not have any additional requirements. 
micro:bit Classes
If you take a micro:bit class online, you will need to purchase a micro:bit device before the start of the class.   Let us know if you need to purchase a device and we can assit you. 
Minecraft Classes
There are two versions of Minecraft that support coding. Minecraft Windows 10 Edition and Minecraft Education Education.  If you take a Minecraft class online, you will need to have your own copy of Minecraft. 
Minecraft Education 
    • Works on Windows, Mac, iPad, Chromebook and Android.
    • Requires a Minecraft Education license.  Coding Lab will provide license for students to use (at the school and home) during the duration of their class.    
Python Classes
Ensure you have Python ready to go.  There are a couple options.
  1. We use for our text-based prrograming classes.  Replit is an an coding environment that students can edit and run their code directly on the website, so there is no extra software to install.

    You’ll need to create a free account before the start of class.
    Create Account:

App Inventor Classes

  1. Google Account
  2. Setup Device or  Setup Emulator (if you don’t have a device) 

Setup Google Account

A Google Account is required to log into the App Inventor website.  The Google Account cannot be part of Google’s family program. 

Please log into the website before the start of class to verify it works. 

Click “Create Apps!” Button to log in. 
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Setup device (phone or table)

Please follow these instructions.  Connect your Phone or Tablet over WiFi ( If you have any problems, please let us know and we will assist you. 

Setup Emulator
Please follow these instructions  to install the software emulator.  Installing and Running the Emulator in AI2 ( . If you have any problems, please let us know and we will help you install the software. 

Online class rule

  • If you have a question, “Raise Your Hand” in Zoom (info below).
  • If the teacher asks you to share your code, please share your screen.
  • If the teacher asks you to look at the teacher’s screen, you have to stop sharing screen.  Otherwise, you will not be able to see the teacher’s screen.  Unless you are using two devices connected to Zoom, in that case you can share and see share screens at the same time. 
  • We ask that students share their video (either camera or screen) for the whole class.  This makes it easier for teachers to insure students are working on the projects and it make it easier for teachers to see if students are confused or having problems.  

Students can “Raise Their Hand” in Zoom during the video conference if they have any questions for the tutor. 

Steps to raise your hand:

  1. Open Participants’ view and click Raise Hand.


  • Windows: You can also use the Alt+Y keyboard shortcut to raise or lower your hand.
  • Mac: You can also use the Option+Y keyboard shortcut to raise or lower your hand.

Students can share their screen in Zoom so that the teachers are able to see their program and guide them. Please visit How to Share Screen for more information.

Note: On Mac OS 10.15 Catalina, you need to allow Zoom access to Screen Recording to share your screen. You can do this in your System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Screen Recording.

For students using Windows, after the tutors have shared their screen, the student’s will only be able to see the tutors screen and the task bar disappears.

In order to go back to seeing the task bar, press the “Esc” key at the top left of the keyboard.






  • 事前にマイク、カメラが動作していることを確認してください。
  • Zoom Client for Meetingsをダウンロードしてください。


App Inventorクラス受講者は Android device (mobile/tablet is fine) とGmail accountを準備してください

Tip: もし2台のコンピュータまたは1台のコンピュータスマホやタブレットをお持ちでしたら、スマホやタブレット、コンピュータより先生のコンテンツを参照し、自身のコンピュータの画面は共有してください。その場合、必ずどちらか一台のみから、オーディオとカメラに参加してください。もし2台のデバイスより参加の場合はご連絡ください。


  • 質問があるときはZoom機能の”Raise Your Hand”を利用してください。
  • 先生がCodeを共有するように言われたら、直ちに画面を共有してください。
  • 先生が先生の画面を見るように言いましたら、画面の共有を直ちに止めてください。そうすると先生の画面を見ることができます。

画面の右下の”Raise Hand”機能を使用してください。


Note: On Mac OS 10.15 Catalina, you need to allow Zoom access to Screen Recording to share your screen. You can do this in your System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Screen Recording.
