
At Coding Lab Japan we are concerned about COVID 19 and are taking the following measures.  If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact us.  

What we are doing at the school

  • In the morning and the end of the day we are cleaning all the doors, surfaces, etc. 
  • We are ventilating the air in the school periodically during the day by opening windows and using fans. 
  • We are purifying the air in the school using a Blue Air system (https://www.blueair.com/)
  • We applied a Nanozone coat to our class rooms (https://www.nanozone.jp/)
  • All students, teachers, and visitors are required to wash their hands every time they come into the school. (arrival, bathroom breaks, etc.)
  • We are cleaning all computers, mice, and workspaces at the end of each class.
  • Classrooms will have protective plastic and/or see-through acrylic barriers installed.
  • For some classes we will ask students and teachers to wear a plastic face shield. These will be provided by the school.
  • In-person maximum class size has been reduced to 5 students.   Junior class class size is a maximum of 4 students. 
  • For weekday Summer Classes, we changed the start time for the early class to 10:00am, so students taking the train can avoid the morning crowded trains.  

Online classes

  • All classes are offered online, expect for a few specialty robotic classes.
  • Online classes are the same class as the in-person class.  All students join the same class.
  • Please contact us if you would prefer to have your child join a class online instead of coming to the school. 

In-person class guidelines

We are asking parents to please follow these guidelines for students joining in-person classes. 

  • All students and teachers will be required to wear masks inside the school.
  • If  your child is sick, has a fever, or not feeling well, please stay at home from class.
  • Please check your child’s temperature on a regular basis.
  • Please instruct your child on the proper way to cough or sneeze into their arm.
  • To limit the number of people inside the school, we ask that parents wait downstairs and phone their child or the school when you have arrived to pick them up. Of course, parents are always welcome to come into the school, but if you do not need to speak with us and your child is old enough to leave on their own, we ask you to please follow this policy.
  • Foreign Travel: If your child or a family member has traveled outside of Japan, we ask that you please at least 2 weeks before coming to the school.  We can arrange online classes so your child does not miss a lesson.